
Activity: Memory Story Cards

By: Kelly Petersohn, LCSW

Tragic Events

Activity: Memory Story Cards in English

Objective: The Memory Story Cards activity provides youth with the opportunity to learn about their person by asking questions and hearing stories shared by grown-ups who knew the person who died well. This can be especially meaningful when the youth was particularly young when the person died and/or they could benefit from support in developing secondary memories cultivated by reminiscing with stories & pictures.



  • Story Card questions (second page of the handout) can be cut out and placed into a jar/box/bag and chosen at random.
  • Encourage youth participants to identify an adult who knew their person who died well.
  • Support the youth by practicing how to ask their grown-up to participate in the activity.
  • Reinforce the importance of doing this activity in a time and space that both the youth and grown-up are able to be present and engaged in the activity. For example, “(Grown-Up), I would really like to learn more about (person who died). Would there be a good time for us to do this Memory Story Card activity?”

Additional Ideas: Story Cards do not need to be completed in one sitting. Invite families to consider setting a weekly “Story Card” time and completing 3-5 questions at a time. Participants can engage extended family members and friends by sharing prompts via phone, email, or text.

Thank you, Kelly Petersohn, from Camp Erin Online for developing & sharing this activity!

En español



Eluna’s personalized support service will create a custom list of resources and local referrals unique to you or the family you’re supporting. Recognizing that it can be hard to find what you need, we are here to listen with an open heart and provide resources that reflect each unique story, at no charge. We hope to connect with you soon.

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