Jamie’s Journey: Cancer from the Voice of a Sibling
13-year-old Jamie struggles with the complex emotions she feels after her 10-year-old sister, Jordan, is diagnosed with cancer. Jamie ultimately finds solace expressing her feelings in a journal. Drawing on her experience volunteering with the Children’s Cancer Network, author Sharon Wozny has written this book especially for siblings of pediatric cancer patients who may feel forgotten and unimportant. Part-book, part-journal, Jamie’s Journey: Cancer from the Voice of a Sibling, gives these siblings a safe place to record their own experiences. Wozny encourages readers to write and draw in their journal, telling them, “There are no rules” and “This is all about you!”
Jamie’s Journey is unique in that it’s designed especially for the siblings of pediatric cancer patients. Author Sharon Wozny draws from her experience volunteering with Children’s Cancer Network for the past three years. During the time she’s spent with young cancer patients and their families, Wozny has discovered that the patients’ siblings face unique challenges. “They endure so much,” she said. “They feel so much pain on so many levels and need to know that they are heroes also…” Wozny has made the second half of the book an interactive journal, offering siblings of pediatric cancer patients a safe place to share their thoughts and feelings.