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An Oasis for Children of Addiction: Free Camp Offers a Welcome Respite – and Lessons in Resilience

Source: shares how Camp Mariposa is helping children and families affected by addiction.

Children swing from the trees at Camp Mariposa. They hike near the river bank, huddle around a bonfire, and stage talent shows on Saturday night. Here, carefree rituals parallel a more serious quest: these campers are learning how to break the cycle of addiction in their families – and to cope with the chaos back home.

Now in its 10th year, Camp Mariposa is a haven for children ages 9-12 who are impacted by a family member’s drug or alcohol abuse.

Many participants at the free weekend camps have been shuttled through foster care or live with relatives due to a parent’s addiction. Some have endured homelessness, abuse and chronic neglect – or bear the stress of having parents in prison.

At Camp Mariposa, these children learn that they are not responsible for a loved one’s addiction. They’re taught how to forge a different path than what they have known, and they meet others who share their pain.

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