Activity: Memory Beads
Objective: The Memory Beads activity can be done individually, in a group, or with a family. While creating the bracelet, participants can reflect on their relationship with the person who died and share memories with others. The bracelet then serves as a tangible connection to the person being remembered.
- Variety of letter beads, symbolic charms, differing colors/textures
- Elastic string or cord
- Scissors
- Small bowls/plates
- Memory Beads handout (2nd page)
- Print and distribute the Memory Beads handout (2nd page) to each participant, along with an elastic string or cord.
- Display a variety of beads. Tip: Split beads into several bowls/plates so that they can be easily looked through.
- Each participant can take time picking out a bead and placing it on the corresponding box of the handout.
- Encourage participants to choose all beads to be included on the bracelet before stringing them on, ensuring there are an adequate number of beads to fill the bracelet. Tip: Spacer beads may be an option to fill in as needed.
- Provide permission to skip any prompt that is not meaningful, as well as, add in others, as desired.
Reminder: Remind participants that each bracelet created will be unique – just like their relationship with the person who died, as well as their personal grief experience.
Thank you, Kelly Petersohn, from Camp Erin Online for developing & sharing this activity!