Activity: Mindful Coloring

Author: Custom Resource by the Eluna Team

Objective: Mindful coloring is a tool to recenter and ground yourself within the present moment. These custom Eluna coloring sheets include familiar Camp Erin & Camp Mariposa images to provide additional comfort & conectedness within our camper community and beyond! 

Supplies: Crayons, colored pencils, or markers. You will also need a printer or projector. (If using a projector, you will need scratch paper or a white board to draw on). 


  1. Gather your prefered coloring tools and print any of the three coloring pages
  2. Find a calming corner or place with a hard surface (a book or table will work).
  3. Take three deep breaths and take a moment to scan your body or the coloring page in front of you. What do you notice?
  4. Let you mind relax as you lean into the coloring exercise. If you catch yourself thinking about the past or the future, gently bring your awareness back to what you are coloring at the moment. Release any judgements and expectations - it's okay to color outside the lines! 

Additional Ideas: If you have access to a projector, you can project these images onto a wall with some butcher paper for a larger or community-based coloring activitiy. If you don't have access to a printer or projector, let your creativity flow freely on any scratch piece of paper using these coloring pages for inspiration. 



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