Caron Digital Learning: Addiction Awareness, Prevention and Impact

Created By Caron

With over 60 years of successfully treating addiction and behavioral health issues, Caron understands the severity of substance use disorders in our country and that prevention and early intervention are key to addressing problematic substance use among youth.

Caron has launched an online catalog of courses and videos that allow anyone to access learning - this is especially important during the Covid-19 pandemic. Courses are designed to: 

  • Increase awareness and understanding of addiction as a brain disease
  • Support a societal shift in how we view addiction and substance use disorder by reducing the stigma associated with the disease
  • Provide the required skills and information to teens, parents/caregivers, medical, industry and education professionals

For Teens: 5 modules to Find the NicoTEEN Free You

For Parents: Prevention Resources and Education

For Professionals:

  1. Vaping and Cannabis Trends Amongst Teens,
  2. Introduction to SBIRT,
  3. Impacts of Substance Use Disorder on the Family



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