Grieving the Loss of a Parent: Best Books for Youth & Young Adults

Author: Custom Resource by the Eluna Team

When grieving the death of a parent, kids & youth may become overwhelmed by the waves of complex emotions that accompany grief. It is often hard to find spaces to feel validated or fully understood in their grief experience. This is where the power of books and storytelling comes in - to provide comfort, compassion, and connection. As a caregiver or support professional books can also become a transformative tool for collective healing & hope.

After combing through several grief support books, the Eluna Resource Center has pulled together this list of literature to support youth who are grieving the death of a parent.  We encourage you to visit your local library to take a peek and check out the books that feel like the best fit for you and your family. 

Make sure to also check out our recommended books for grieving the loss of a sibling, friend, grandparent, and anticipatory grief


Grieving the Loss of a Mother or Mother Figure:

Ages 2 - 5

Ages 5 - 7

Ages 7 - 12

Teens & Young Adults

Grieving the Loss of a Father or Father Figure:

Ages 2 - 5

Ages 5 - 7

Ages 7 - 12

Teens & Young Adults

Please let us know if you have any favorites that we are missing. Email Sarah 

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