Prevention Tips for Every Age
Conversations are one of the most powerful tools parents can use to connect with — and protect — their kids. But, when tackling some of life’s tougher topics, especially those about drugs and alcohol, just figuring out what to say can be a challenge. Partership for Drug Free Kids provides scenarios and scripts below on what to say to your child, no matter their age.
Helpful to Note:
- Always keep conversations open and honest.
- Come from a place of love, even when you’re having tough conversations.
- Balance positive reinforcement and negative reinforcement.
- Keep in mind that teachable moments come up all of the time — be mindful of natural places for the conversation to go in order to broach the topic of drugs and alcohol.
Partnership for Drug Free Kids has tips on how to talk to kids about addiction at every age – starting with preschoolers. Starting early can set the stage for a healthy and drug free life. Tips include scenarios, responses and tips for making the conversation productive and impactful.