Salt Water: Find Your Safe Harbor
“The cure for anything is salt water — sweat, tears and the sea.” – Isak Dinesen
Salt Water is for those who have lost someone they can’t live without — a child, a sibling, a spouse, a parent, a close friend — and the people who love them. They provide a safe harbor where you can find comfort, support and tools to survive your loss and rebuild your life. Salt Water’s goal is to create a community where people can support each other by sharing wisdom, ideas and hope that everyone can get through the rest of their lives without our beloveds. A place where you can find beauty, grace and healing in the aftermath of terrible loss and connect with others who are “that sweet mix of compassionate enough and broken enough to be brave enough to start something new” (Becca Stevens, founder and president of Thistle Farms)
Eluna is happy to share this unique resource that encourages a physical healing component for the grief journey while making room for the tears. Salt Water has created an online experience that is tailored to the specific relationship to loss: child, spouse, parent, sibling and friend. Eluna programs are built on the belief that shared experience can be an important healing tool.