Dougy Center

Dougy Center provides grief support in a safe place where children, teens, young adults, and their families can share their experiences before and after a death. Whoever has died, whatever the cause of death, Dougy center is a place to express your emotions — all of them — and find support. Dougy Center is a place for families to know they’re not alone.

The first organization of its kind in the United States, Dougy Center has grown to become a model program of child-centered peer support, providing services to more than 55,000 people in the Portland Metro area since its founding in 1982. Dougy Center also provides training worldwide to schools, organizations, and individuals seeking to assist children in grief. And more than 500 programs around the world provide grief support services based on The Dougy Center Model. Through Dougy Center’s website, children, teens, young adults, parents, caregivers, and helping professionals can access hundreds of free resources, including activities, Tip Sheets, articles, podcasts, and more.



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