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Why We Changed Our Name to Eluna

By: Ellen Barry

Source: Eluna

Changing the name of The Moyer Foundation was a difficult decision. But it was the right one.

For three years, I’ve been honored to be the president of the board of trustees and watch the impact of our work grow through the support of our incredible community.

Eighteen years ago, the organization was started by Jamie and Karen and named after them as the founders. We were a true foundation—granting the dollars we received to local grassroots organizations and making a difference in the lives of children in the Seattle community. We quickly found we had a lot of support for our mission: supporting children in distress.

Branching Out

Heart truly lies at the root of everything we do, and everything we have done. As we began to grow, we recognized that as we became a more established non-profit we wanted to do even more – so we developed and began to offer our own programs. As we opened Camp Erin in 2002 and later Camp Mariposa in 2007, our programs began to positively impact hundreds – and then thousands – of children and families. We had found our calling.

We grew beyond Seattle; branching out to help more and more communities across the US and Canada and we established a network of unbelievably amazing camp partners.

We were no longer simply a grant-making foundation, we were designing and implementing programs that responded to needs that we saw were still unmet in many communities. That was a big “a-ha” moment for us. We knew that we could make a huge difference with a simple mission: Strive to reach every child, and every family, that needs support from grief or substance abuse. We knew that we had the unique opportunity to make sure that those hardships should not be dealt with alone and that no one should be afraid to talk about their personal pain.

With more support from our community of donors and supporters, we were able to launch our third initiative, the Resource Center, in 2016 as a continuation of camp support.  The Resource Center makes it possible for families, friends, colleagues, teachers – anyone – to find personalized support and connect to grief and addiction support in their communities.

As each of these new phases of our development was launched, one thing became clear—we are not the same organization that we were 18 years ago. Like most successful organizations, we’ve been able to adapt and will continue to evolve to ensure that we can best fulfill our mission.

We have grown, we have learned, we have matured, and one constant remains: We always want to help and do more – that is what motivates us. It is vital at this crucial juncture that our identity, name and structure better connect with the community needs and represent our three programs more holistically.

Eluna is Born

While The Moyer Foundation may be a household name in cities like Seattle, we knew that to thrive we needed an identity that spoke to the core of our programs and shared the narrative of our programs. The Moyer heart continues to beat with passion—Karen actively continues to support the children and families we serve with innovation, leadership and passion. All of us are excited to watch this organization continue to support thousands of families in need.

As Maya Angelou said, “My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor and some style.”

Seeing a trauma-inflicted child light up when connecting with other campers is magical. Giving light. And giving hope. That is who we are.

Our new name, Eluna, speaks to that light. That warmth that envelops everyone at camp. The hope that wins out. The resiliency that erases despair. The transformation that we witness through camp and our resource center time and again.

Eluna evokes the changing phases of the moon which seemed a perfect symbol for the transformation that occurs at camp. We felt it exuded comfort, hope and healing – all those things we strive to provide. We want all of our services under one umbrella – under one moon up in the sky – and all of which bring light into people’s lives.

Our logo is evocative of the colors of camp, – the sky at night, the moon, the stars in the sky, and connected to our roots and the colors that have come to symbolize our camps – Erin’s favorite colors were blue and yellow;  Karen’s niece’s drawing of a green butterfly was the inspiration for our Camp Mariposa symbol and they are preserved and celebrated in our new design.

Most powerful to me is the bright harvest moon in the logo. To be able to look up at the night sky and know you are not alone, even when the darkness feels overwhelming, that’s what it’s all about.

Shining a Light in the Darkness

We know all too well that dealing with grief and addiction is not a one-and-done deal; coping with these complicated and painful issues is a process and many nights can indeed seem long, dark and lonely.

We have always been committed to standing alongside our families on their journey and to providing support. Attending camp or offering resources does not equate to a “cure.” Our programs let children and teens know that it is ok to be angry, to be sad, to laugh, to reminisce, to focus on their own well-being – no matter what circumstances they find themselves in.

Grief and addiction cause major changes throughout a child’s life, but it is important to believe that the sun will rise again. When haven’t we all needed a little inspiration and hope to get us through a tough time?

We are so passionate about coming together at camp to brighten lives so kids can get to be kids again, have fun and make new memories. They can spend time in nature, playing sports and creating art and sometimes just talking and making new friends who can relate to each other because of their shared experiences.

While the adoption of the Eluna name and logo represents a significant change for all of us at the oganization, we will continue to encourage our campers to not be afraid of the dark, not be afraid of what others think and find their own light. We too are taking the leap to move forward and move into adulthood with our new identity and work to better connect people to our programs and services. This whole journey is a labor of love and we are so proud to share it with you.


On behalf of all of us on the board, and the hard-working team that provides support to our children and families every day, I am extremely grateful to everyone who has helped us to get to this place, and for the continuous support from friends like you.

I encourage you to take a peek at Eluna’s new brand on our website and let us know what resonates with you and share your thoughts. You can comment below or email us at

We invite you to help us build the next 18 years of supporting children and families affected by grief and addiction.


Ellen Barry
President, Board of Trustees

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