Activity: Love is…
In this activity participants will take turns writing a few words about what love is to them in a giant paper heart. By the end of the activity, you will see a variety of love definitions with the goal to positively reinforce healthy and safe relationships.
- Large piece of paper
- Wall
- Tape
- Markers
- Cut paper into a giant heart, large enough to write numerous words inside
- Tape heart on the wall
- Invite participants one at a time to write a few words in the heart (it’s okay to repeat)
- Announce the words to the group
- At the end of the activity, reread all of the words up there and discuss what love is and what love isn’t.
Follow Up Questions:
- What words show up multiple times and why are they repeated?
- What words aren’t in the heart that you expected to be? What kind of words and actions are these?
- What words shouldn’t be allowed to be in the heart?
- Define unhealthy behaviors. Are there any words in the heart like this?
Additional Ideas:
In a journal or sheet of paper, ask participants to identify safe & healthy adults in their lives. This may be a person at home, school, or within their community. Ask for volunteers to share one of these adults. NOTE: If a child or teen cannot identify any safe or healthy adults, make sure to follow up with them one-on-one to check in and support them in connecting with a safe adult.