Activity: Grief Rights

Author: Custom Resource by the Eluna Team

Grieving often comes with some added on layers of unsolicited advice, untimely offers of support, and unrealistic expectations. While it may feel like you are swimming upstream, know that It's OKAY to grieve your way and stay true to you.

To start, we invite you to check out: Megan Devine's "The Griever's Bill of Rights."

Then, choose an activity to deepen your conversation.

  • Create a Bill of Rights for YOU or YOUR family! Be creative. Use prompts from the example AND your words!
  • Choose 2 "Rights" to focus on this month. Write an "Action Plan" with steps your family can take.
  • Write a song, poem, or spoken word piece focused on remembering YOUR RIGHTS in grief.
  • Start a family or personal journal. Write about times when you demonstrated YOUR RIGHTS.



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