
Activity: Memory Symbols

By: Author: Kelly Petersohn, LCSW

Tragic Events

Actividad: Símbolos de Recuerdo - Memory Symbols  image

Objective: The Memory Symbols activity provides participants an opportunity to reminisce about experiences shared with the person they are remembering. Participants will identify memories and then creatively identify a symbol that could represent that memory. The symbol, when seen in everyday life, will serve as a reminder of the ongoing connection they share with the person who died.



  • Invite participants to complete the handout (second page) at a comfortable pace.
  • Encourage participants to consider using positive, uplifting memories that will elicit joy & nostalgia when remembered.
  • Participants will then identify an object that can serve as a symbol that represents each memory shared.
  • The identified symbols can then be used to create a unique, personalized art project. To do so, participants can draw or paint the symbols onto a piece of paper or canvas.
  • The completed art project can be hung and serve as a conversation piece when sharing about the person who died.

Note: This activity will be best for participants who are able to think abstractly, which typically begins between 7-12 years old. However, youth as young as 3 years old can begin understanding the use of symbols as representative of an object/person that is not present.

Thank you, Kelly Petersohn, from Camp Erin Online for developing & sharing this activity!

En español



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