The ABCs of Grief: a children’s grief book for all types of grief and loss
The ABCs of Grief is a children’s book that walks through each letter of the alphabet to unpack different aspects of the grief experience.
Grief is messy, confusing, and overwhelming for all ages—but especially young children who are trying to make sense of the big changes and losses happening around them.
The book works well for children facing grief related to death, moving, illness, traumatic medical experiences, new diagnoses, natural and manmade disasters, big changes with school or other activities, feeling ‘different’ from others, abuse, immigration, foster care, absent or distant caregivers, and more.
The engaging illustrations display diversity in a variety of different capacities (race, disability, illness, family structure, situational experiences, etc.). This representation will allow all children to ‘see themselves’ in the characters on the pages and feel less alone in the world while grieving.
The end of the book includes a QR code that takes you to a freebie download including 30 activities for grieving kids.