Trouble the Dog
Trouble the Dog® is a rare plush pup made in America. Kids whisper all their “troubles” into his soft, waiting ear and he helps them smile. Kids love to give Trouble the Dog as a gift to other kids who might need a hug. A proven therapy dog, Trouble is “on call” 24/7.
Trouble the Dog’s Story
One cold winter’s night then 12 year old Kendra Duncan was visiting her aunt, Sheila Duncan. Kendra had experienced a number of cancer losses in her young life: her Nonnie, Dad, and family dog, so she was very tuned into the word “cancer”. Kendra was quietly drawing that evening when the St. Jude Telethon came on television. Kendra looked up and said “I have to help those kids” … she then instantly drew a simple yet powerful little dog. She said “his name is going to be Trouble and he’s going to help kids”.
Kendra then wrote a comic strip telling Trouble’s story about being abandoned as a scared little pup in New York City and then being adopted by a kindly Nonnie. Trouble goes on to rescue other pups “in trouble”, and so the journey began. Trouble is now a global childrens’ character travelling the world comforting kids of all ages … be their “troubles” big or small … one hug at a time.
Trouble also has a book series
“TROUBLE IS IN TROUBLE”!!! Trouble the Dog® has his very own children’s book series. Introducing Clarence who helps kids navigate their emotions. Click here to learn more!
We recommend Trouble the Dog because of their heartfelt dedication to children & families across the globe. Trouble is also the perfect size and softness for any child needing a hug!